Hi there to all my visitors around the world, as you know or you don’t, my name is Horatiu Condrea aka Horia Condrea, and this is my second website that from now on will be my main domain, and here is where I will post the most from here to eternity. Well, I’ve changed my domain for a lot of reasons. First of all I intend to write lots of tutorials in many programming languages (maybe not so many as I intend), but I think this domain name is the best for what I want to do. I hope that will be a pleasure to read or watch all my tutorials during the years.
I intend to write tutorials for:
- ActionScript 3.0
- Java
- Game Developing
- Wordpres
- C/C++/C#
- and more if I find something interesting
Maybe you should know about me that I’m a student, I live in Romania (maybe this part I will discuss more in the “About” page when will be ready)
For now, this is pretty much all I have to say , and for the next posts I will try to give you all my programming skills. See ya next time.
Don’t forget to comment, and tell me what you don’t like about my webpage, or if you have some ideas of how to make my site more accessible, or what kind of tutorials do you want me to write.